The new and improved HT Carbon, Headphone Transducer, dramatically reduces the noise floor of your headphones compared to the previous HOT. The new Carbon fiber enclosure and a second generation headphone UEF filter has truly elevated the performance of the HT Carbon. Other improvements like modifying the plug on the HT Carbon, now allows for easy use on Headphone amps with recessed headphone-out connections. Simply Amazing
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Reviews & Feedback
"...I thought I had my system really dialed in for maximum performance. This new device (HOT) is a major improvement in all areas of headphone performance. Of course the usual descriptors come into play- improved and tighter bass, better detail, extended decay of notes, etc. The shocker was how much the soundstage improved, and how much more fun headphone listening just became..."
"...the 'HOT' really does improve headphone listening. Attached to my dedicated headphone amplifier the HOT created a very pleasurable listening experience. Music appeared more focused, bass and high frequency notes improved with a smoothness and clarity I didn't think possible. Most definitely a keeper!"