The new Atmosphere SX USB was designed and voiced with a single goal, to convey music with low-level detail and an emotional connection without any of the drawbacks commonly associated with the digital format. To this end, SR uses the propriety UEF Graphene shielding with a direct to ground connection for a dramatically lower noise floor than is possible with a non-direct grounded shield. For faster and more linear burn-in as well as higher performance, we include a new conditioning process first developed for the Purple fuses.
Atmosphere SX USB cables are among the first cables voiced with the new test criteria that enables to achieve ultra resolution with a unique degree of musical purity and smoothness along with all the traits SR is famous for like a low noise floor, high resolution, and holographic realism. Additional features include a new conductor alloy and a new shielding matrix selected in double-blind testing where they excelled in low-level detail retrieval and tonal accuracy, with a dramatic new level of high-frequency extension that is always musical, and never fatiguing.
Compared to the previous USB Atmosphere X, the Atmosphere SX has a lower noise floor, higher resolution and most importantly, is more musically satisfying.
Build Notes
• 23 gauge solid copper conductors
• Dielectric: Solid Polyethylene
• Shielding: Duel Silver Mylar / Braid shield-Quantum Tunneled Ground Plane Technology
• Listened for signal direction before build
• Handmade in our California factory
• Quantum Treatment: After the cable is completely assembled all connections and cabling are treated with 1,000,000 volts of electricity at specific frequencies and pulse modulations, creating a canal in the conductor material and contact points at the molecular level that allows electrons to flow more freely. This allows the maximum amount of low level information through the conductors and provides for the highest amount of realism in your music
• Secondary UEF Blue Treatment originally developed for SR Blue Fuses
• UEF Ground Plane Termination
• Hand build time: 1.5 hours
• 5 day Burn-in: 2 step process